About us

CarPay-Diem is a mobile fueling and digital marketing platform, allowing any mobile app or connected vehicle to activate any fuel pump or charging pole independently of the brand; the equipment being operated or the method of payment.

CarPay-Diem integrates into and enriches any existing mobile application from either fuel retailers or any other mobile app or connected vehicle willing to upgrade their offering with a pay@pump function combined with an innovative direct marketing approach. CarPay-Diem is a neutral platform, that can act as the single point of access (mobile payment hub) to sites from multiple retailer brands.

The CarPay-Diem marketing platform allows retailers and  energy providers to rethink digital marketing in a groundbreaking new way. CarPay-Diem lets retailers engage with drivers directly. Off- or-on-site, at the moment of purchase to take direct action on shaping the customer's journey and ultimately generate more sales on their sites.


Fuel stations connectable


Transactions processed

1.8 second

Average transaction initiation


Map of Europe
Let's talk

Our vision

“Mobility requires energy. CarPay-Diem is the cornerstone, managing the interoperability of the POS and site equipment's, methods of payment and the connected devices to make any driver's journey a great moment and let retailers take advantage of complete new ways to marketing and engage with fleets, drivers and ...ultimately customers.”

Let's discuss it

News articles

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To request additional information about CarPay-Diem and how we can assist you in achieving your goals, please fill out this form

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